Saturday, March 21, 2009


from Linda

Why Are So Many Of Our Youngsters Going Through 'Preschool Puberty'?

Hormone-mimicking chemicals found in food, water, and many consumer goods may well be the cause of why children as young as eight are showing signs of sexual development.

Kids these days are growing up too fast -- in more ways than one. American girls are reaching puberty up to a year earlier than in previous generations, with some children showing signs of sexual development as young as age 3. In extreme cases, girls are budding breasts before they've even learned to read.

Researchers call this phenomenon "precocious puberty," which some say is on the rise. Forty-eight percent of African-American girls and 15 percent of Caucasian girls show physical signs of puberty by age 8, according to a study of 17,000 U.S. girls published in Pediatrics in 1997. In a subsequent study of more than 2,000 boys, lead author Marcia Herman-Giddens found that 38 percent of African-American boys and 30 percent of Caucasian boys showed signs of sexual development by age 8.

What's going on? Although scientists have yet to prove definitive causes, many suspect that hormone-mimicking chemicals, obesity and stress all contribute to precocious puberty. The chemicals, often called endocrine disruptors, are of particular concern because they're everywhere -- in food, water, personal-care products, some plastics and many consumer goods.

Pediatrician Darshak Sanghavi notes in The New York Times that outbreaks of precocious puberty are most often traced to accidental exposure to drugs in hormone-laden products. He describes a case in which a kindergarten-age boy and his younger sister had both begun growing pubic hair. In addition, the boy was exhibiting aggressive behavior

When Sanghavi's colleagues examined the children, they discovered that both had extremely elevated levels of testosterone -- equivalent to those of an adult male -- and that their father was using a concentrated testosterone skin cream "for cosmetic and sexual purposes." The children had absorbed the testosterone from normal skin contact with their father.

Of course, we can't blame it all on testosterone. Phthalates, ubiquitous industrial plasticizers common in everything from personal-care products to vinyl and plastic packaging, mimic estrogen. So do compounds in some pesticides and flame retardants. A growing body of evidence suggests that these and other endocrine-disrupting chemicals can interfere with sexual development, an idea widely introduced in the groundbreaking book "Our Stolen Future" by Theo Colburn, Diane Dumanoski, and John Peterson Myers.

In the two decades since the book's publication, evidence has mounted that substantiates its main thesis. The September, 2006 issue of Alternative Medicine points out that a number of human studies have found possible links between endocrine disruptors and early puberty. One study found that Puerto Rican girls whose breasts developed earlier were three times more likely to have elevated levels of phthalate esters in their blood.

Some researchers have linked precocious puberty with factors including obesity, stress, and a sedentary lifestyle. "In the animal industry, to hasten puberty, they keep the animals confined, they feed them really rich diets, and they grow really fast," Marcia Herman-Giddens notes in Alternative Medicine. "That is exactly what we are doing to our children."

Parents can take practical steps to minimize their children's risk for early puberty and encourage healthy lifestyles:
  • Avoid meat, milk and dairy products containing growth hormones
  • Buy organic produce
  • Minimize soy, which mimics estrogen
  • Choose green household products
  • Encourage children to eat well and exercise
  • Prevent babies from chewing on plastic toys
  • Avoid polyvinyl chloride (PVC) products, including vinyl shower curtains and toys and packaging that bear the number "3," indicating they're made with PVC.
Source :

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Plastic danger





Information on the toxins in plastic such as parabens and pthlates -



No plastic containers in microwave.


No water bottles in freezer.


No plastic wrap in microwave.


A dioxin chemical causes cancer, especially breast cancer.


Dioxins are highly poisonous to the cells of our bodies. Don't freeze your plastic

Bottles with water in them as this releases dioxins from the plastic.


Recently, Edward Fujimoto, Wellness Program Manager at CastleHospital ,

Was on a TV program to explain this health hazard.

He talked about dioxins and how bad they are for us.


He said that we should not be heating our food in the

Microwave using plastic containers...


This especially applies to foods that contain fat.


He said that the combination of fat, high heat, and plastics releases dioxin

 Into the food and ultimately into the cells of the body...


Instead, he recommends using glass, such as Corning Ware, Pyrex or ceramic

Containers for heating food... You get the same results, only without the dioxin.

 So such things as TV dinners, instant ramen and soups, etc.,

Should be removed from the container and heated in something else.

  Paper isn't bad but you don't know what is in the paper.

It's just safer to use tempered glass, Corning Ware, etc.

He reminded us that a while ago some of the fast food restaurants moved away

From the foam containers to paper. The dioxin problem is one of the reasons...


Also, he pointed out that plastic wrap, such as Saran, is just as dangerous when

Placed over foods to be cooked in the microwave. As the food is nuked, the high

Heat causes poisonous toxins to actually melt out of the plastic wrap and drip into the food.

Cover food with a paper towel instead.

Bottled water in your car

Very dangerous.

This is how Sheryl Crow got breast cancer.  She was on the Ellen show and said this same exact thing.  This has been identified as the most common cause of the high levels in breast cancer, especially inAustralia .

A friend whose mother was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and the Doctor told her: women should not drink bottled water that has be en lef t in a car.

The doctor said that the heat and the plastic of the bottle have certain chemicals that can lead to breast cancer.  So please be careful and do not drink bottled water that has been left in a car, and, pass this on to all the women in your life.  This information is the kind we need to know and be aware and just might save us!  The heat causes toxins from the plastic to leak into the water and they have found these toxins in breast tissue.  Use a stainless steel Canteen or a glass bottle when you can!


Thursday, December 11, 2008

Hi - a bit more from me - Linda


What In The World Are You Putting On Your Skin?

Food Matters | Toxic Toiletries

Is your bathroom cabinet bulging with toxins? Is your make-up or toiletries bag a cocktail of chemicals that could do you harm? Yes is probably the answer to both questions. Check out the ingredients list on your bottles and jars: the higher up the list these 15 come, the greater the concentration.

Formaldehyde - Combined with water, this toxic gas is used as a disinfectant, fixative, germicide and preservative in deodorants, liquid soaps, nail varnish and shampoos. Also known as formalin, formal and methyl aldehyde, it is a suspected human carcinogen and has caused lung cancer in rats. It can damage DNA, irritate the eyes, upper respiratory tract and mucous membrane, and may cause asthma and headaches. It is banned in Japan and Sweden.

Phthalates hit the headlines last year for being "gender benders". They are a family of industrial plasticisers already banned in the EU from being used in plastic toys, but are still in hairsprays, top-selling perfumes and nail varnishes. They can be absorbed through the skin, inhaled as fumes and ingested from contaminated food or breastfeeding. Animal studies have shown they can damage the liver, kidneys, lungs and reproductive system -especially developing testes.

Parabens are listed as alkyl parahydroxy benzoates -butyll methyl/ethyl/ propyllisobutyl paraben on some toothpastes, moisturisers and deodorants. They are used as a preservative, but are oestrogen mimics. Research suggests that parabens in antiperspirant deodorants can cause breast cancer. Oestrogen-type chemicals have also been linked to testicular cancer and a reduction in sperm count.

Sodium Lauryl Sulphate (SLS) is one of the major ingredients in nearly every shampoo, bubble bath, liquid soap etc. Why, when it is a known skin irritant, stops hair growth, can cause cataracts in adults, damage children's eye development and cause urinary tract infection?

Toluene is a common solvent found in nail enamels, hair gels, hair spray, and perfumes. It is a neurotoxin and can damage the liver, disrupt the endocrine system and cause asthma.

Propylene Glycol is a cosmetic form of mineral oil (refined crude oil) used in industrial antifreeze. People handling it are warned by the manufacturer to avoid skin contact and wear respirators and rubber gloves etc, and yet this is a major ingredient in most moisturisers, skin creams, baby wipes and sun screens. Why? It's cheap and gives the "glide" factor in body lotions - but is in fact robbing lower layers of skin of moisture. Lanolin and collagen also clog pores and cause skin to age faster than if nothing was used.

Talc is recognised as carcinogenic and has been linked to an increased risk of ovarian cancer and general urinary tract disorders. So don't dust it on your baby's, or anyone else's, bottom!

Parfum/perfume A typical cosmetic can contain up to 100 chemicals in the perfume alone! 95 per cent of these chemicals are synthetic compounds derived from petroleum -26 of which are on an EU hit list. Fragrances have been linked to allergies and breathing difficulties and they penetrate the skin.

Xylene is listed as xytol or dimethylbenzene on nail varnish bottles. It can damage your liver, is narcotic in high concentrations and causes skin and respiratory tract irritation.

Diethanolamine Also Tri and Mono (DEA, TEA and MEA) are absorbed through skin where they accumulate in products also containing nitrates, they react and form nitrosamines which are carcigonemic.

Aluminium is found in most deodorants and has been linked to Alzheimer's. If you want to stay alert, and still smell fresh and clean switch to a safer one.

Triclosan sometimes listed as 5-chloro-2 (2,4-dichlorophenoxy) phenol, is in deodorants, toothpastes, vaginal washes and mouthwashes. Toxic dioxins are produced during its manufacture or incineration. It is stored in breast milk and in fish, and can break down in water to create a member of the dioxin family.

For information on how to detox including a great detoxification program see The Food Matters Detox & Rejuvenation Guide

Watch this clip to find out more about the harmful toxins in our environment and how they could be harming you or your loved ones.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Sunlight:  Is It Good Or Bad For You?

Food Matters | Sunlight

(Compiled by Mike Adams, based on an interview with Dr. Michael Holick, author, The UV Advantage)

Vitamin D prevents osteoporosis, depression, prostate cancer, breast cancer and even effects diabetes and obesity. Vitamin D is perhaps the single most underrated nutrient in the world of nutrition. That's probably because it's free: your body makes it when sunlight touches your skin. Drug companies can't sell you sunlight, so there's no promotion of its health benefits. Truth is, most people don't know the real story on vitamin D and health. So here's an overview taken from an interview between Mike Adams and Dr. Michael Holick.

1. Vitamin D is produced by your skin in response to exposure to ultraviolet radiation from natural sunlight.

2. The healing rays of natural sunlight (that generate vitamin D in your skin) cannot penetrate glass. So you don't generate vitamin D when sitting in your car or home.

3. It is nearly impossible to get adequate amounts of vitamin D from your diet. Sunlight exposure is the only reliable way to generate vitamin D in your own body.

4. A person would have to drink ten tall glasses of vitamin D fortified milk each day just to get minimum levels of vitamin D into their diet.

5. The further you live from the equator, the longer exposure you need to the sun in order to generate vitamin D. Canada, the UK and most U.S. states are far from the equator.

6. People with dark skin pigmentation may need 20 - 30 times as much exposure to sunlight as fair-skinned people to generate the same amount of vitamin D. That's why prostate cancer is epidemic among black men -- it's a simple, but widespread, sunlight deficiency.

7. Sufficient levels of vitamin D are crucial for calcium absorption in your intestines. Without sufficient vitamin D, your body cannot absorb calcium, rendering calcium supplements useless.

8. Chronic vitamin D deficiency cannot be reversed overnight: it takes months of vitamin D supplementation and sunlight exposure to rebuild the body's bones and nervous system.

9. Even weak sunscreens (SPF=8) block your body's ability to generate vitamin D by 95%. This is how sunscreen products actually cause disease -- by creating a critical vitamin deficiency in the body.

10. It is impossible to generate too much vitamin D in your body from sunlight exposure: your body will self-regulate and only generate what it needs.

11. If it hurts to press firmly on your sternum, you may be suffering from chronic vitamin D deficiency right now.

12. Vitamin D is "activated" in your body by your kidneys and liver before it can be used.

13. Having kidney disease or liver damage can greatly impair your body's ability to activate circulating vitamin D.

14. The sunscreen industry doesn't want you to know that your body actually needs sunlight exposure because that realization would mean lower sales of sunscreen products.

15. Even though vitamin D is one of the most powerful healing chemicals in your body, your body makes it absolutely free. No prescription required.

On the issue of sunlight exposure, by the way, it turns out that super antioxidants greatly boost your body's ability to handle sunlight without burning. Astaxanthin is one of the most powerful "internal sunscreens" and can allow you to stay under the sun twice as long without burning. Other powerful antioxidants with this ability include the superfruits like Acai, Pomegranates (POM Wonderful juice), blueberries, etc.

Diseases and Conditions Caused by Vitamin D Deficiency:

·  Osteoporosis is commonly caused by a lack of vitamin D, which greatly impairs calcium absorption.

·  Sufficient vitamin D prevents prostate cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, depression, colon cancer and schizophrenia.

·  "Rickets" is the name of a bone-wasting disease caused by vitamin D deficiency.

·  Vitamin D deficiency may exacerbate type 2 diabetes and impair insulin production in the pancreas.

·  Obesity impairs vitamin D utilization in the body, meaning obese people need twice as much vitamin D

·  Vitamin D is used around the world to treat Psoriasis.

·  Vitamin D deficiency causes schizophrenia.

·  Seasonal Affective Disorder is caused by a melatonin imbalance initiated by lack of exposure to sunlight.

·  Chronic vitamin D deficiency is often misdiagnosed as fibromyalgia because its symptoms are so similar: muscle weakness, aches and pains.

·  Your risk of developing serious diseases like diabetes and cancer is reduced 50% - 80% through simple, sensible exposure to natural sunlight 2-3 times each week.

·  Infants who receive vitamin D supplementation (2000 units daily) have an 80% reduced risk of developing type 1 diabetes over the next twenty years.

Shocking Vitamin D Deficiency Statistics:

·  32% of doctors and med school students are vitamin D deficient.

·  40% of the U.S. population is vitamin D deficient.

·  42% of African American women of childbearing age are deficient in vitamin D.

·  48% of young girls (9-11 years old) are vitamin D deficient.

·  Up to 60% of all hospital patients are vitamin D deficient.

·  76% of pregnant mothers are severely vitamin D deficient, causing widespread vitamin D deficiencies in their unborn children, which predisposes them to type 1 diabetes, arthritis, multiple sclerosis and

·  schizophrenia later in life. 81% of the children born to these mothers were deficient.

·  Up to 80% of nursing home patients are vitamin D deficient.

What You Can Do:

Sensible exposure to natural sunlight is the simplest, easiest and yet one of the most important strategies for improving your health. I urge you to read the book, "The UV Advantage" by Dr. Michael Holick to get the full story on natural sunlight. You can find this book at most local bookstores or through,, etc. Note: This is not a paid endorsement or an affiliate link. I recommend it because of its great importance in preventing chronic disease and enhancing health without drugs or surgery. This may be the single most important book on health you ever read. If more people understood this information, we could drastically reduce the rates of chronic disease in this country and around the world. Sunlight exposure is truly one of the most powerful healing therapies in the world, far surpassing the best efforts of today's so-called "advanced medicine." There is no drug, no surgical procedure, and no high-tech procedure that comes even close to the astonishing healing power of natural sunlight. And you can get it free of charge. That's why nobody's promoting it, of course.


Hi from Linda

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Fw: FW: MELAMINE (Read to the end with the country BAR CODES)



(Read to the end with the country BAR CODES)






Make sure you read to the very end – very interesting –

perhaps the best way to tell where things are made….  

China milk poisoning incidents make everyone afraid to look at the daily news report.

Everyday, the reports are changing. No one can clearly tell us what to eat and what not to eat.

What really is poisoned milk?

It is milk powder mixed with 'MELAMINE'

What is Melamine used for? 

It is an industrial chemical used in the production of melawares.

It is also used in home decor - i.e.kitchens.

We all MUST understand that Melamine is used in INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION 

  - - - - - it CANNOT be eaten.

2.Why is Melamine added to milk powder?

The most important nutrient in milk is protein.

And, Melamine has this same protein that contains 'NITROGEN'

Adding Melamine into milk reduces the actual milk content required,  

and therefore it is cheaper than all milk.   So it lowers the capital required 

in the production of milk products.  Therefore it earns the business man more profit!

Below is Melamine; doesn't it look like milk / milk powder?
It doesn't have any smell, so cannot be detected.

3.When was it discovered that it had been added to milk products?

In 2007,  US cats and dogs died suddenly. It was  found that their pet food from China contained Melamine.

Early in 2008, in China , an abnormal increase in infant cases of kidney stones was reported.

In August 2008,  China Sanlu Milk Powder tested positive for Melamine 

Sept. 2008
,  the New Zealand government asked China to investigate this problem
Sept. 21, 2008
, they found that many food products in Taiwan tested for Melamine

What happens when Melamine ingested and digested?

Melamine remains inside the kidneys. It forms into stones blocking the tubes. 

Pain will be imminent and the person cannot urinate. Kidney(s) will then swell.

Although surgery can remove the stones, it may cause irreversible kidney damage.  
It can lead to the loss of kidney function, which will require on-going kidney dialysis; or lead to death 
because of uremia.

What is dialysis?  In fact, it should be called 'blood washing'; it is filtering all of the body's blood into 

a machine and then returning the blood back to the body.

A dialysis machine

The whole process takes 4 hours; and it is necessary to have dialysis

once every 3 days for the rest of your life.

Below:  A dialysis center

Why is the contamination much more serious in babies?   

A baby's kidneys are so very small and they drink a lot of milk powder. 

China currenty has 13,000 infants hospitalized

It does not matter how much Melamine a human being ingested (ate) (took). 

The important point is:    'MELAMINE CANNOT BE  EATEN!'

5.What foods are to be avoided?

Foods from China that contain dairy products should be avoided.

Anything chinese-looking and milky/creamy (as above)

6.Which companies are affected?

Hereunder are the companies affected with Melamine.


7.What do we do next?

Avoid the above foods for at least six months.
If you own or operate a snack bar, a restaurant, or a coffee shops, etc.,

stop selling dairy products for the meantime.

If you have infants at home, change to mother's milk or find other substitutes.

Finally, share this information with friends so they will understand the risk of milk poisoning. 

The whole world needs to know of  "Made In China" 'black-hearted' goods.


Do you know how to tell which products are made in

the USA, or in the Philippines, in Taiwan, or in China?

Here's How: 

The first 3 digits of the barcode identify the country code

wherein the product was made. 

For Example:   ALL barcodes that start with 690, 691, 692,  etc. up to and including 695 are all MADE IN CHINA.
Barcodes starting with 471 are on products Made in Taiwan. 

Taiwanese barcode

You have a right to know.  But government and related departments

never inform or educate the public. Therefore we must educate ourselves,

be vigilant, and RESCUE ourselves.

Today, Chinese businessmen know that consumers will not select products

'Made in China'.  So, they make every effort not to show or state the country

of origin on their products.   However, you can now refer to the barcode.  

DO remember if the first 3 digits are one of those between 690 and 695 inclusive then it is a product Made in China . 

00 ~ 13 USA & CANADA 
30 ~ 37 FRANCE
40 ~ 44 GERMANY
49 ~ JAPAN
50 ~ UK
57 ~ Denmark
64 ~ Finland
76 ~ Switzerland and Liechtenstein
628 ~ Saudi-Arabia
629 ~ United Arab Emirates 
740 ~ 745 - Central America

All 480 Codes are Made in the Philippine

Please inform your family and friends.   

Be aware!  And help others to be aware!
















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Kind Regards,

Patsy Nicholas
19 Argyle St
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Ph. 09 376 9513 Mob. 021 0222 2438

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Acidic or alkiline foods?

Hi - it is important that we try and keep our bodies as alkiline as possible to avoid many modern day  diseases (including arthritis, cancers etc) - I had a test recently and was bang on even though I drink a coffee a day - so you dont have to be holier than though but be aware of your acid alkiline balance and yes get as many vegies into your body as you can!
(NaturalNews) Maintaining a balanced PH is one of the most important things we can do to enjoy vibrant health and avoid disease. Unfortunately, most people are far too acidic, which creates an environment open to unwanted invaders and ill health. The incredible rise in modern day diseases is a symptom of our overly acidic diets.

In fact, many claim it is almost impossible to get cancer when our bodies are consistently alkaline. Furthermore, eating from a list of alkaline foods keep us vibrant and younger looking.

Fortunately, becoming more alkaline is not as difficult or as technical as it sounds. Balancing our PH can be done simply by consuming more foods and drinks which have an alkaline effect on the body.

Here is a list of Alkaline foods for Optimum health:

* Alfalfa

* Barley Grass

* Beets

* Broccoli

* Cabbage

* Carrot

* Cauliflower

* Celery

* Collard Greens

* Cucumber

* Dulce

* Eggplant

* Garlic

* Green Beans

* Green Peas

* Kale

* Lettuce

* Mushrooms

* Onions

* Parsnips

* Peas

* Pumpkin

* Radishes

* Spinach

* Spirulina

* Sprouts

* Sweet Potatoes

* Tomatoes

* Watercress

* Almonds

* Grapes

* Amaranth

* Apples

* Apricots

* Kiwi

* Artichokes

* Leeks

* Asparagus

* Limes

* Bananas

* Mangos

* Olive oil

* Berries

* Onions

* Brussels sprouts

* Oranges

* Buckwheat

* Okra

* Pears

* Pineapple

* Quinoa

* Fennel

* swiss chard

* Flaxseed oil

* Wheat grass

* Grapefruit

* Watermelon

Some of the most acidic foods are:

* White flour

* sugar

* artificial sweeteners

* ready made meals

* processed meats

* alcohol

* carbonated drinks

* cakes

* ice cream

* cheese

* milk


Some of the healthiest acidic foods are brown rice, oats, fish, beans and lentils.

Most experts suggest eating four times more from the list of alkaline foods than from the acidic foods. Don't get stressed if you don't achieve this, it's an ideal to shoot for.

The most important thing we can do is to ensure that the majority of foods that we eat are fruits and vegetables.

Lets eat chocolate!

Chocolate is actually one of the healthiest foods on the earth! Research is continually proving that chocolate is actually a super food. The problem is that most chocolate has been highly processed and heated, stealing all the nutrients.

Further, Many ingredients are added to chocolate which have a negative impact on our health. Sugar, for example, destroys the immune system, and causes diabetes, premature aging and other serious health complaints. Studies show that adding milk to chocolate cancels out all of the goodness. In addition, researchers have found that commercial chocolate can be contaminated with extremely high quantities of the toxic metal lead.

You may be asking yourself what is left if you can't have milk chocolate, dark chocolate or any sort of processed chocolate. Fear not, the absolutely delicious raw chocolate is taking the world by storm. You don't need to avoid chocolate this holiday season because you can have raw chocolate.
Raw chocolate is chocolate that has not gone through any sort of heating or processing, so all of the nutrients are still in tact.

So What are the Nutrients?

Chocolate contains more magnesium than any other food. Magnesium is the number one mineral deficiency in the west. It is the most powerful stress relieving mineral. It also relaxes the muscles and builds strong bones and teeth.

Chocolate is also power packed with antioxidants, which protect us from aging and disease. The following is a list of the foods with the highest ORAC values (the number given to foods based on their antioxidant activity):

•Unprocessed Raw Cacao - ORAC 28,000
•Acai Berries - ORAC 18,500
•Dark Chocolate - ORAC 13,120
•Prunes - 5,770
•Goji Berries - 3,472
•Pomegranates - 3,307
•Raisins - 2,830
•Blueberries - 2,400

Amazing! You can see that even heated dark chocolate has a high antioxidant level. Unfortunately, most dark chocolate has sugar added to it.

Chocolate is actually higher in the antioxidant resveratrol than red wine. The media have been giving red wine a lot of attention over the last few years because it is rich in this antioxidant, which is know for protecting cells from free radical damage and inhibiting the spread of cancer. It is also know to your lower blood pressure and normalize your anti-inflammatory response.

Chocolate is also rich in sulphur, which is the beauty mineral. Sulphur is essential for gorgeous skin, lustrous hair and strong nails.

Chocolate is one of the only sources of PEA, which is a compound that increases the serotonin levels in the brain, which increases joy. No wonder people are so attracted to chocolate!
Yum - I am for the dark chocolate even though it is cooked!  Linda
More Benefits of Chocolate

Chocolate may help prevent cardiovascular disease in diabetics because of their high levels of flavanol. Research has shown that people with diabetes that drank flavanol rich cocoa for one month showed dramatic improvements in their blood vessel function. In fact, the improvements they noticed were as high as those found in taking drugs. Chocolate is an amazing super food for keeping your heart healthy and for improving elasticity in your blood vessels.

Chocolate helps people to feel amazing. Besides PEA, the rich creaminess of chocolate has been known to boost sex drive and make us feel alive. And the good news is that it doesn't have to contain milk, sugar, aluminium, or any other ingredients that may have a negative impact on our health. Raw chocolate can be combined with other super foods so that we can indulge our sweet tooth and improve our health at the same time.